Augmented, Virtual and Mixed Reality Directory

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AR VR UX Development Vancouver, BC, Canada
Products & Services:Visualization, AR and VR content development. Apple Developer. Unity3d Developer. Date Founded:2015 Number of Employees:1 - 5 employees

About MGS

Previs, AR/VR, and UX development is what we do. Visualization starts with your concept, idea, or story, and transforms it into a language that more easily communicates to your audience. We utilize real-time technologies and extensive visual communication experience to help you visualize your concept, idea, or story, and deliver your message more easily. Our experience in product design, 3D game engine technology, and previs for feature film, insures you get the right team to bring your concept, idea, or story to life.

For feature film, we help directors, visual effects supervisors, production designers, special effects teams, and producers understand the concept or sequence. Tech-vis then helps to bring that concept or design to fruition with precise measurements and information pertaining to the practical set build and how it relates to the previs elements for visual effects. We also provide development for architectural and real estate visualization, augmented and virtual reality, and user experiential project design and tech development such as multi-touch surface builds for trade shows, exhibits, or corporate installations. The mission of Mind Gear Studios is to provide solutions for creative projects through visual communication.

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