Spaceout.VR is a free to play Social VR MMO for iOS & Android. Spaceout.VR monetizes with upgrades and features for entertainment, gaming and communications. Spaceout.VR engages players with fun VR experiences. 360 Video & Photo, Games, Travel and Music power endless content features within our MMO. Spaceout.VR publishes a customized personal Space Station for each new Spacer. We populate personal spaces with the digital content you love based on machine learning and an analysis of your social media graph. Spaceout.VR accesses content from popular platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, SoundCloud and Google Street View. In the Orbital Social Feed you can visit thousands of other Space Stations. Make new friends, like, share and leave messages for other Spacers. Spaceout.VR originated in early 2015 as a music-powered mobile VR app. Massive consumer traction with teen and millennial music fans jump-started our product. The “Music Virtualizer” was a new and unique way to have more fun with your music. To date, no large or small VR software company has unlocked long-term retention. Mobile VR is an emerging and disorganized market. As a leader in the open VR app market, Spaceout.VR has the opportunity to become a defining brand in mass-market consumer VR.We have achieved unprecedented technological integration with the ability to deliver AI, games, travel, messaging, social media, music streaming and 360 video / photo into a tiny compact mobile app. We monetize with in-app purchasing, promotions, advertising and subscriptions.